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contoh kalimat mineral deposit

"mineral deposit" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • A veritable smorgasbord of fine mineral deposits for Meatlug.
    Sekumpulan hidangan beraneka macam mineral untuk Meatlug.
  • Just on the other side of this mineral deposit.
    Hanya di sisi lain ini cebakan.
  • The box says this mineral deposit is radiating Cosmic Seed energy.
    Sepertinya mineral ini memancarkan radiasi energi Benih Kosmik.
  • Diatremes are sometimes associated with deposition of economically significant mineral deposits.
    Diatrema kadang-kadang dihubung-hubungkan dengan cadangan mineral yang bernilai ekonomis.
  • Ukraine is relatively rich in natural resources, particularly in mineral deposits.
    Ukraina relatif kaya akan sumber daya alam, terutama cadangan mineral.
  • The term commonly refers to metallic mineral deposits and mineral resources.
    Istilah ini umumnya mengacu pada endapan mineral logam dan sumber mineral.
  • Um, I'm Mineral Deposits Sales Director at Apex Select, Mike Pancake.
    Um, Aku bagian Deposit Mineral Direktur Sales di Apex Select, Mike Pancake.
  • 3. Survey and exploration of solid mineral deposit.
    3. Survei dan eksplorasi deposit mineral padat.
  • 2. Survey and exploration of solid mineral deposit.
    2. Survei dan eksplorasi deposit mineral padat.
  • ? Removes mineral deposits, hard water, chlorine, environmental impurities
    ? Menghilangkan tumpukan mineral, air sadah, klorin, pencemar lingkungan.
  • 3.Survey and exploration of solid mineral deposit.
    3. Survey dan eksplorasi deposit mineral padat.
  • Uh, it is a dense mineral deposit which grows in the throat sack.
    Uh, itu tumpukan mineral padat yang tumbuh di kantong di leher.
  • Geophysics of water detector equipment,geology surveys,find minerals, mineral deposits detector
    geofisika peralatan detektor air, survei geologi, menemukan mineral, deposit mineral detektor
  • Mineral deposits, including oil, copper, and gold, account for 72% of export earnings.
    Cadangan mineral, meliputi minyak bumi, tembaga, dan emas, menyumbangkan 72% perolehan ekspor.
  • Shampoo specifically to remove mineral deposits and buildup of styling products
    Shampoo yang dikhususkan untuk menghilangkan tumpukan mineral dan produk penataan rambut yang tersisa
  • Troops from Rwanda and Uganda plundered the country's rich mineral deposits and timber.
    Pasukan-pasukan dari Rwanda dan Uganda menjarah cadangan-cadangan mineral dan kayu yang kaya di negara itu.
  • Steel Metal Scrap Aluminum Non-Metallic Mineral Deposit Wire Mesh Fiberglass Products View More
    Baja Kepingan Logam Deposit Mineral Non-Metalik Aluminium Kasa Kawat Produk Serat Kaca Lihat Lebih Banyak
  • They have similar physical and chemical properties, and tend to occur together in the same mineral deposits.
    Mereka memiliki kemiripan sifat fisika dan kimia, dan cenderung terdapat bersama-sama dalam deposit mineral.
  • Mr. Gardner, did Ray have a chance to tell you about his plans for your mineral deposits in Nevada?
    Gardner, Apa Ray sempat memberitahumu soal rencananya pada mineralmu di Nevada? Tidak, Nn.
  • Large mineral deposits are also being uncovered from the more recently developed Ridgeway underground mine which is adjacent to the Cadia Mine.
    Deposit mineral dalam jumlah besar juga ditemukand ari tambang bawah tanah Ridgeway yang baru-baru ini dikembangkan.
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